Community Impact

Donation Initiatives

Plant a Row, Give a Row

Plant a Row, Give a Row is your opportunity to share healthy, locally-grown produce with those who don’t have access to fresh food.

Visit the Info Tent or stop by the Education Garden to pick up your FREE seed packets (available seasonally, while supplies last). Plant a row for yourself and a row to donate.

When it’s harvest time, bring your fresh produce back to the Info Tent on Saturday mornings during market hours.

We’ll deliver the fresh produce to our partner food pantry at Dorcas Ministries ( Together, we can provide healthy fresh food to those in need. Plant that extra row – or TWO!!

Buy Two, Donate One

Buy an extra bunch/bag/pound of WWFM’s vendor-produced goodness during your normal market visit, or make a monetary donation to donate to those in need and we’ll shop for you!

Is your home garden producing faster than you can eat? Bring us the extras!

Each week, look for our red wagon “Donation Station” at the Info Tent to drop off your contributions. At the end of each Market, we’ll weigh the donations and deliver to our partner food pantry at Dorcas Ministries.

Together, we can make an impact in the fight against hunger!

Community Partners & Programs

Healthy Living Initiatives

Fitness on the Green

We’re proud to partner with the Town of Morrisville’s Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Department to bring a selection of FREE fitness classes to the Market! Check our Events page for upcoming sessions.

Education Garden Classes

In addition to weekly volunteer opportunities, the Education Garden offers FREE classes to help you build a successful home garden every month during the growing season. Register here or find us in the MPRCR Program Guide, and learn how to maximize your gardening experience!